Personal Injury Claims For Public Transit Accidents

Any motor vehicle accident can range from a low-speed, minor fender bender to a high-speed catastrophic crash, and public transit accidents are no exception. Consequently, it follows that injuries attributed to these types of accidents can be soft tissue, whiplash type injuries to fractures, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injuries. Additionally, there are other safety risks involved including no airbags or seat belts and rollovers or tip-overs as well. If you have been in such an accident, it helps to consult with a lawyer in Monterey Park today.

Fault Factors contributing to Public Transit Accidents

In order to determine liability in a public transit accident, special investigation is often required. There are several factors that often cause or contribute to these types of accidents including the following:

• driving under the influence of alcohol or drugs
• equipment lacking proper maintenance
• fatigued driving
• improperly loaded or overloaded vehicles
• lack of adequate training or proper screening

Whether it’s a public transit accident or some other type of motor vehicle accident, getting proper medical treatment is imperative. Not only is this a matter of prioritizing your health, you can use those medical expenses and records to support your personal injury claim should you decide to pursue the matter legally.

Unique Issues involved in Public Transit Accidents

In most cases, when you’re filing a personal injury lawsuit against the at-fault party or if you’re attempting to negotiate a settlement with their insurer, the procedure is relatively straightforward even though the claim may not be. In some situations, a public transit accident may be caused by another driver. If you suffer injury as a passenger, you can file a 3rd party personal injury claim against the driver’s insurer and seek compensation for damages such as lost income, medical expenses, and pain and suffering.

Furthermore, if the bus driver is the at-fault party, the laws are often complex. This is due to the fact that many buses are government owned and operated such as public transportation bureaus and school districts. Additionally, filing a personal injury claim with a government agency can be extremely complicated. The legal procedure often varies from one jurisdiction to the next as well as state-to-state. However, you must begin by filing what is referred to as a “notice of claim” with that government agency.

Since you’ll need to file your documentation according to applicable filing deadlines, having a personal injury attorney on your side will increase your chances of getting the compensation you deserve. Most of them work on contingency basis so you will only pay when you get awarded the damages. To learn more, call the Braff Legal Group today or at your earliest convenience at (909) 280-0098.

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